Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Show #72 Benjamin Mitchell, Director of Admissions, Landmark College- Transitioning to College

In today's show, we speak with Ben Mitchell, Director of Admissions at Landmark College. Landmark College specializes in students with learning disabilities and ADHD, as well as transitioning students into other four-year colleges with the skills they need to succeed.

Ben and I talked about a variety of topics, including Universal Design of Curriculum, seeking to make college courses accessible to everyone, regardless of disability. We spoke about the Center for Applied Special Technology, or CAST, which specializes in universal design; the Association of Higher Eeducation and Disability, (AHEAD), a group of colleges looking at accessibility issues for students with a broad range of disabilities, not just learning issues.

With national graduation rates from college indicating that over 45% of students drop out, colleges are trying to figure out how to reduce this rate. But the biggest challenges students face when entering college is not the classwork itself, it's having to manage time, organization, and planning, needed to complete coursework- the skill set that poses so many challenges for kids with learning disabilities and ADHD in particular. Executive functions and understanding how a student learns best is a primary issue for college students, and it's at the center of the programs provided at Landmark.

Even if your child is not of college age, I know you'll find this conversation intriguing, as we talk about how learning to learn is as important as what you learn about at school.

Click here to Download Ben Mitchell, Landmark College- Universal Design in Curriculum and Skills needed in the Transition to College

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

#71- Nina Straitman- Part III

In this last segment of my conversation with Nina, we talk about the Milwaukee School District Case and the fact that a child's learning issues may not be evident from the start; The Fourth Grade Slump; the advantages of perscriptive education in small schools like centreville, and the importance of discovering a child's affinities.

Next time, we'll talk to Benjamin Mitchell, Director of Admissions at Landmark College about making the transition from high school to college and what problems students develop.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

We have just added a Facebook Group! If you are interested, there is open membership; I am considering starting a Ning Group as well if people are interested. please drop me a line at and let me know!

Click here to Download Show #71- Nina Straitman

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Brian Jacques Special

This is the post that accompanies the special segment recorded at the live presentation by Brian Jacques, author of the Redwall series of books, at Borders bookstore in Newark, DE.

Click here to listen to Brian Jacques speak about Redwall, and learning to paint pictures with words.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Show # 70 Nina Straightman - Language therapist- Fluency, Comprehension, and the Development of Language Skills

In this show, we continue our conversation with Nina Straightman, talking about the language development in newborns, fluency and text structure, using graphic organizers and how language- from oral language to reading to writing develop in kids.

Recently, a number of authors have been through our area, speaking about the books they've written and signing books for children. We've been to presentations from Brian Jacques, author of Redwall and other novels for children, and Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson, authors of the Peter and the Star Catchers series. Over the next few episodes, I'm going to include short clips from these presentations, so you get a sense of what these book signings are like, and how really wonderful they can be for kids. Kids learn that authors are real people, and children's authors are particularly good at engaging the audience and bringing their words to life to kids. I think there are few better ways to make books and writing exciting to kids as to hear authors speak about their favorite books.

Click here to listen to Part II - Nina Straightman- Language Therapist

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