Sunday, June 10, 2007

Show 58- Resiliency, Parent Reviews and Changing those Negative Scripts

The pictures above are of my kids, taken within 10 minutes of one another. They show how someone can start a day with a negative attitude and bad scriot, but with a little help, you can change the script into something more positive.

In this second part of my conversation with Dr. Robert Brooks, we talk about the negative scripts, or ruts, we can get ourselves into. But the surest way to make real change is to re-write your script and story. Make changes with how you react to your children, with how you approach problems, and you can dramatically change the outcome of those constant thorns- messy rooms, chore and homework problems, etc. you have to look at each issue as a problem you can solve with your child, often by enlistng their help and suggestions.

We also talk about asking your child for how they view you as a parent, and how this insight- the way you want them to see you, versus what they actually would say if asked to describe you- can work to bring your family together.

As the first anniversary of the podcast approaches, I'm looking for more listener comments on the voicemail line (206) 666-2343 and emails to read- let's make this first anniversary show about you! Send your emails to

I will be at Podcasters Across Borders in June, I'm speaking at BlogPhiladelphia in July, and I am a lead organizer of PodCamp Philly Sept. 7, 8, and 9th. If you are attending any of these events (BlogPhiladelphia and PodCamp Philly are free unconferences- sign up today!) please come find me- I'd love to meet you! If by any chance, you are interested or know someone who might be interested in helping to sponsor PodCamp Philly, let me know!

The draft chapter of my book project, all about the brain,is available in PDF format on the site. If you have read it, let me know your comments, and if it's helpful, I'll post more chapters for you!

Click here to listen to show#58- Dr. Bob Brooks


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